By 7001890906
January 3, 2017
Your driving down the road and you hear a loud bang...
What was that?
You see another vehicle has hit the rear end of your vehicle. you both get out of the car and the driver of that vehicle is saying sorry and telling you they did not mean to hit you. they say they have so many accidents on their record and that they can not afford to have another or they will be kicked off their policy. They claim they will pay you out of your pocket that you just need to go find a good shop and estimate.
Do you not report it and just take their word for it? The choice will always be yours. if you know the person and they will pay for it then by all means get it fixed and forget it ever happen to you.
What if you do not know them?
We have had countless people come in to the shop and say someone else is going to pay for it, what usually happens is the damage costs more and they can't afford it. This is more common then you think. The problem with this is majority of vehicles have hidden damages. something as small as replacing a bumper could be over 1000 dollars depending on if the car is new or has sensors or the stage of the paint. When we buy our cars we do not know this, it is usually when we need to replace something is when we find out.
We always encourage people to do what they think is best for them.
By going through your insurance it does decrease the value of the vehicle but at the end of the day you got it fixed and did not have to worry about running around to come up with the dollar amount or finding the best price and quality of work.
While sometimes it is nice to help people out, sometimes you just need to know when it is right and when it is wrong.
We also need to always remember that we do pay for our auto insurance premium and they are there to help us out when need be.
Keep in mind that every accident, vehicle, and situation is different.
Drive safe and always pay attention!